• Владимир Вучковић Академија БИА Републике Србије – Србија


The bishop of Nis, Dr Jovan Ilic, left a deep trace in the development and survival of the Nis Diocese in difficult times. His spiritual work and his personality, as well as his legacy for the future, have been the subjects of both, the spiritual and world literature. Bishop Jovan, however, as an outcast of civil Serbia and an opponent of the totalitarian regime, was the subject of monitoring and operational processing of security services, both in occupied Serbia and later, by the communist authorities. The information that the communist security service gathered is especially extensive. These reports, while dealing with the personality and work of Bishop Jovan, left a testimony of the position of the church and priesthood at the time of the communist regime, relations in the church itself, the relation between the authority towards the church and prominent priests, as well as relation between citizenship and church and religion in general. The conclusion is that Bishop Jovan was steadfast in the struggle for the preservation of Orthodoxy and the position of the church, and that as such he stoically endured the hostility of the new regime.


Архив УДБ-е, Одељење у Нишу, документи предати Архиву Србије 25.12.2007.
Закон о унутрашњој управи од 19. јуна 1929. године Решење министра унутрашњих дела од 23. децембра 1920. године Уредба о устројству Министарства унутрашњих дела од 8. маја 1919. године Уредба о уређењу Министарства унутрашњих послова од 25. јула 1929. Године

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