• Зоран Кинђић Факултет политичких наука, Београд


Summary: After having shown the socio-historical causes of the cold and detached
relations among people, the author points out that the moral and spiritual dimension of
education is neglected at schools nowdays. Although pupils acquire knowledge and skills,
they lack the edifikation of love. Work at school is a sort of spiritual test for the religious
teacher. To able to influence pupils in a positive way love should be the state of his
existence. Insisting on the extremely important role of love in education the author does not
neglect the significance of freedom and truth. Although teacher should respect pupil’s
freedom, he must not allow it to turn into sheer arbitrarinees. Instead of covering a pupil
with praises, it is much more useful to tell him the truth of his shortcomings so that he
would not turn into an egoist.


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