• David Perovic


Biblical-ecclesiological theme of doing good in right pleasure to Zion and of building the walls of Jerusalem (Psalm 51, 18) falls into the category of Lord’s condescension; into the category of the love of God the Father and the grace of God the Son and the communion of the Holy Spirit. And again, it falls under the category of Church building, building material being the living reasoning stones. In this Temple: the Temple of the living Body of Christ, the sacrifice of righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering (Psalm 51, 19) will be cancelled as being of the Old-Testament, and as being of the New-Testament there will be introduced: confession of true faith and life according to it, and love, and the bearing of the cross in anticipation of the Last Judgment and the general resurrection of all. And there, it is this that now becomes the sacrificial-Eucharistic Lord’s condescension of the temple. This, and nothing else! It can in no way be the Hitlerian: Mein Kampf; or the Nazi: Holocaust; or the Churchillian: Gallipoli; or the futuristic: American dream; or the communist: blood drenched deception and hypocrisy. – All this again in no way on the account of the insomnia and the  nightmares and the torments of hell of the rest of the world: generations of men, women and children! Not on the account of bullocks offered upon the altar (Psalm 51, 19), that is to say men, women and children who are being led into the gas chambers and the crematoria, and who are being experimented on without the use of the anesthetic, without a drop of oil and without a whisper of mercy.

Author Biography

David Perovic

Православни богословски факултет, Београд – Србија



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