• Игор Ст. Коцић


The orthodox asceticism, together with the orthodox notion of ascetical struggle is not based on the rejection of the historical reality and despising of body and matter. Meta- historical eschaton as an ultimate reality does not represent the rejection of historical reality, but the deepest confirmation of it. By the presence of Christ, the ultimate reality – eschaton – becomes the core and the fullness of visible reality. The liturgy testifies that  God truly receives the world. However, the sinful world, malice, greed and passions as the corrupted states of the world and the misusage of the beauty of the created order given by God through His energies do not enter the Kingdom of God. The full meaning of Christ’ cross and his death, together with our crucifixion and dying with Christ is in the radical struggle with the passions.

The liturgical call “the Holy Things to the Holy People” presupposes and invites us to reject the passions through the ascetical struggle. This call does not have only liturgical context, where it becomes the norm of life in its fullness, but it refers to the broader perspective. Sin, born from the greed, leads to death and therefore the annihilation of sin is not something immediate and mechanical, but it requires all human powers to put in a struggle. This struggle is only possible in and through the Holy Eucharist, in which man attains sanctification and divinization.

Author Biography

Игор Ст. Коцић

Центар за црквене студије, Ниш – Србија

