• Vadim Prozorov Moscow State University
Keywords: Dalmatia, Split, Nin, church law, church councils, metropolitan prerogatives, jurisdiction, bishopric, reliability, canonical collection, papal exemption, key-bearer of Christ


This paper deals with the two tenth century councils in Split, which maintained the organisation of the metropolis of Dalmatia, and abolished the bishopric of the Croats, namely that of Nin, claiming the primacy in this ecclesiastical province. Besides, the first council in 925 promulgated a number of canons concerning some issues of ecclesiastical and secular life in the metropolis of Split, i.e. the organisation of the parochial life, episcopal jurisdiction and intrusions into the boundaries of another's diocese, alienation of the Church possessions, matrimonial relations, certain criminal cases etc. The acts of these councils and the councils themselves are open to question, since they are preserved in the manuscript of "HistoriaSalonitanamaior," the earliest version of which dates from the early sixteenth century. To evaluate the reliability of the conciliar decisions I would suggest comparing them with the canons from the early medieval canonical collections which contain reference material ranging from the first council of Nicaea in 325 to the fifth-century African councils and the "Apostolic Canons." Additionally, the canons of the councils and synods of the Carolingian period, episcopal canon collections and papal letters and privileges were used for comparison, since these documents can shed light on whether and how other churches confronted in this period difficulties similar to those which arose in the metropolis of Dalmatia.For this paper two canons have been chosen to be placed in the context of contemporary ecclesiastical practice for demonstration of their reliability. This approach has given fruitful results in the other cases.


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