• Svetoslav Ribolov Sofia University “St. Klimet of Ochrid”, Faculty of Theology, Sofia
Keywords: Patristic literature, Late Antiquity, Christian interpretation of Aristotle, Neo-Platonism and Christianity


The author could not disagree with Rowan Williams famous research “Arius, Heresy and Tradition” that the possible sources of the Arian heresy lay mostly in Neo-Platonic philosophy, especially in the attempt to harmonize Aristotle with the Platonic tradition. Howsoever he adds to his arguments another one that he did not mention, namely, the adoption of a specific hierarchical interpretation of the categories of Aristotle and the refusal to apply them to God. He also does not agree with him that to Arius the strictly philosophical issues are of small concern.


Ancient authors:

Aristotle, Categoriae, in: Selected Works in 6 vols. Vol. I, The Organon, Part I. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Ivan Christov, Sofia: “Zachary Stoyanov” 2008, (bilingual Greek and Bulgarian edition).
--, Metaphysica, in: W.D. Ross, Aristotle's metaphysics, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 3 1970.
Alexandrus Alexandrinus, Epistolae de Ariana Haeresi, PG 18, 548-585.
Athanasius, Epistola de sententia Dionysii, PG 25, 477-512.
--, Orationes adversus Arianos, PG 26, 12-525.
--, Epistola de synodis Arimini in Italia et Seleuciae, PG 26, 681-793.
Basil, Epistulae, PG 32, 219-1114.
Epiphanius, Adversus haereses PG 42, 9-755.
Iamblichus, De mysteriis. In: E.C. Emma, J.M. Dillon & J.P. Hershbell (ed), Iamblichus: On the Mysteries. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature 2003.
Porphyrius, In Aristotelis categorias expositio per interrogationem et responsionem. in: A. Busse (ed.), Porphyrii isagoge et in Aristotelis categorias commentarium (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 4.1) Berlin: Reimer, 1887, 55-142. Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica, PG 67, 30-841.
Theodoretus Cyrensis, Eranistes seu Polymorphus, PG 83, 27-317.

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