• Дарко Крстић
Keywords: Библија, Јован Владимир, Добри Пастир, софиологија, Јосиф, пророк Данило, Слуга Божји, пророк Исаија, апостол Павле, Дух Божји


Although in the Life of the Saint King John Vladimir, preserved to us only in the text
of The Chronicle of the Priest of Diocleia, is explicitly cited only one verse from the Bible (Jn
10,11), the narrative of the life and death of the king of Zeta is extremely rich in biblical
allusions and motifs. The author not only exploits the johannine theology of the Good
Shepherd, but he incorporates it in the broader context of the synoptic eucharistic theology of
the perishing Shepherd and his atoning sacrifice for all humans. The description of the love and
marriage of Kosara and John Vladimir belongs to a different genre and it offers quite another
perspective in the reception and usage of biblical motifs. The author presents the romance
between John Vladimir and Kosara through the prism of the wisdom motifs of the didactive
narratives about Joseph and the prophet Daniel. At the very end, John Vladimir is depicted in
the manner and with the characteristics of the Second Isaiah's Servant of God, which fits
perfectly into the aforementioned picture of the johannine perishing Shepherd. The last but not
the least, John Vladimir is presented as pauline Spirit-Bearer, who in the historical scene of the
11th century realizes the sophiological principles of the justice of God, preserved in the
socalled "sentences of the Holy Law".


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