• Павел Павлов Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, София


This paper is dedicated to an important theme - the role of the Monarch in the shaping of the historical events of his own times. It will compare the persons of the two great Emperors who embraced Christianity in very different ways. The first one accepted the faith and surrendered himself to the Church just a few months before his death; the second one was fed with the faith since his mother’s womb but was also called at the beginning of his reigning to be equal to the Apostles by becoming God’s mediator in establishing a Christian Empire. After this initial call the first Christian Emperor ruled for another 25 years where God gave him the time to unfold His plan for the Christianization of the Empire and help the emergence and the establishment of the Church. The images of the two Emperors are compared to two Old Testament figures: Saul and David. The comparison alludes to the difference between just “being in power” and being chosen to be powerful in unfolding the history of salvation. The second part of the paper focuses on the law making activities of the two Emperors by providing a comparative theological and historical analysis of the Edicts of Serdica (311) and Milan (313). The texts of the two edicts are well preserved by the early Christian historians. Their content was similar but their goals, their implications and impact were quite different. Without any doubt, the charisma of Constantine could have a great role in explaining the great impact of the Edict of Milan (313). St Constantine not only issued the legal document but also used all of his personal dedication, energy and power to look after its implementation. However, it was the following of the Divine call and providence that made him a Saint. Thus, the paper suggests an answer to the question: What does it take for an Emperor to become a Saint?



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