• Гордана Вулевић Филозофски факултет, Београд


In this paper I will compare some elements of Symeon the New Theologian’s and judge Daniel Paul Schreber’s theologies. Symeon the New Theologian was a Byzantine monk, mystic and poet. Judge Schreber was not interested in the theological questions until the onset of his mental illness, paranoia. Saint Symeon’s theology is characterized by an erotic ecstasy, amorous longing for the divine Other. In his theology, ascetism and repentance are the ways to conform oneself to the divine ideal and to see the divine light, which leads to the true knowledge of God. St. Symeon wrestled with words because mystical experience, which requires entering into the symbolic order, is beyond the signifier. Unlike Symeon’s joyful theology, the theology of judge Schreber is a gloomy one. In his view, god is not a unique being, but an agglomeration of heterogeneous and even contradictory properties. God is both omnipotent and vulnerable, both the creator of everything and an egoistic being. Such notion of the divine is a consequence of foreclosure of the phallic signifier and regressing to the mirror stage. At the mirror stage level, it is not possible to experience the mystical jouissance. Because the Name of the Father has been foreclosed, direct communication with God and the accompanying joy are lacking.


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