• Neža Zajc Academy of Sciences and Arts of Slovenia, Institute of Cultural History
Keywords: Archeological sites, imperial sarcophagi, Christian complex Saint’Agnese at Via Nomentana, the language of Bible, the Holy liturgy, first ecumenical church council, non yet established Christian iconographical repertoire, imperial aesthetics


The paper investigates different aspects of Constantinian monuments, particularly at the archaeological remains of the Christian complex of Sant’Agnese, known as the Catacombs of Sant’Agnese at Via Nomentana, Rome, built upon the request of Constantina, the daughter of the Emperor, Constantine. The archaeological evidences and the inscriptions within the imagery at the remains of Christian monuments are an evidence of only developing language of the first Christian liturgical services. Interpretations of subsequent Christian iconography must, therefore, take into account these earlier, literally encrypted forms of Christian worship of specific spiritual property (the martyrs, the liturgical reality, the members of family). 


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